Thomas Pesquet survole Carcassonne
J’avoue avoir orienté mon appareil photo un peu plus souvent du côté de la France et des pays francophones, et il me reste pas mal de villes Françaises à publier ! Aurai-je le temps d’ici la fin de la mission… suspense J’essaierai d’en poster une tous les matins jusqu’au retour. Carcassonne dont on voit les remparts médiévaux distinctement !! On bâtissait pour durer à l’époque
I admit to having focussed my camera on France more than other countries, and there are quite some snapshots of cities in France left to share. Do we have enough days up here to post them all? I will post one a day in the morning until we return…
Starting with Carcassonne: maybe the board game is more famous than the city itself, outside of France… yes I totally imagine myself laying the cities, roads and fields. I think there is a great field to place a meeple in on the top right, that will definitely be massive points at the end of the game!
#UnJourUneVille #MissionAlpha